qvm-device – List/set VM devices


qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS {list,ls,l} [options] <vm-name>
qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS {attach,at,a} [options] <vm-name> <device>
qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS {detach,dt,d} [options] <vm-name> [<device>]
qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS {assign,s} [options] <vm-name> <device>
qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS {unassign,u} [options] <vm-name> [<device>]
qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS {info,i} [options] <vm-name> [<device>]
qvm-*DEVICE_CLASS* {list,ls,l,attach,at,a,detach,dt,d,assign,s,unassign,u,info,i} [options] <vmname> …


qvm-block, qvm-usb and qvm-pci are just aliases for qvm-device block, qvm-device usb and qvm-device pci respectively.


--help, -h

Show this help message and exit

--verbose, -v

increase verbosity

--quiet, -q

decrease verbosity


list device classes


Show program’s version number and exit



qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS list [-h] [–verbose] [–quiet] [VMNAME [VMNAME …]]

List devices.

--assignments, -s

Include info about device assignments, indicated by ‘*’ before qube name.


List devices from all qubes. You can use --exclude to limit the qubes set.


Exclude the qube from --all.

aliases: ls, l


qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS attach [-h] [–verbose] [–quiet] [–ro] VMNAME BACKEND_DOMAIN:PORT_ID[:DEVICE_ID]

Attach the device from BACKEND_DOMAIN and port with PORT_ID to domain VMNAME. If optional DEVICE_ID is provided and does not match device ID of plugged device the attachment fails. The DEVICE_ID equals to * is ignored.

--option, -o

Specify device-class specific option, use name=value format. You can specify this option multiple times. See below for options specific to different device classes.


Alias for the read-only=yes option. If you specify both –ro and –option read-only=no, –ro takes precedence.

--persistent, -p

Short version for attach & assign –required for backward compatibility.

aliases: a, at


qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS detach [-h] [–verbose] [–quiet] VMNAME BACKEND_DOMAIN:PORT_ID[:DEVICE_ID]

Detach the device with BACKEND_DOMAIN:PORT_ID from domain VMNAME. If optional DEVICE_ID is provided and does not match device ID of plugged device the detachment fails. The DEVICE_ID equals to * is ignored. If no device is given, detach all DEVICE_CLASS devices.

aliases: d, dt


qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS assign [-h] [–verbose] [–quiet] [–ro] VMNAME BACKEND_DOMAIN:PORT_ID[:DEVICE_ID]

Assign the device from BACKEND_DOMAIN and port with PORT_ID to domain VMNAME. If optional DEVICE_ID is not provided it device id of the plugged device is loaded. If DEVICE_ID is not provided and no device is currently plugged into the port, the assignment process will fail.

--option, -o

Specify device-class specific option, use name=value format. You can specify this option multiple times. See below for options specific to different device classes.


Alias for the read-only=yes option. If you specify both –ro and –option read-only=no, –ro takes precedence.

--required, -r

Assign device persistently which means it will be required to the qube’s startup and then automatically attached.

--ask, --ask-to-attach

Assign device but always ask before auto-attachment.

--port, --only-port

Ignore device presented identity and attach automatically any device connected to this port in the future. It is equivalent of providing BACKEND_DOMAIN:PORT_ID:* as argument.

--device, --only-device

Ignore the current port where the device is plugged in and ensure that this device will be attached automatically in the future, regardless of which port it is connected to. It is equivalent of providing BACKEND_DOMAIN:*:DEVICE_ID as argument.

aliases: s


qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS unassign [-h] [–verbose] [–quiet] VMNAME BACKEND_DOMAIN:PORT_ID[:DEVICE_ID]

Remove assignment of device with BACKEND_DOMAIN:PORT_ID:DEVICE_ID from domain VMNAME. If no device is given, remove assignments of all DEVICE_CLASS devices.

--port, --only-port

Remove port assignment. It is equivalent of providing BACKEND_DOMAIN:PORT_ID:* as argument.

--device, --only-device

Remove device identity based assignment. It is equivalent of providing BACKEND_DOMAIN:*:DEVICE_ID as argument.

aliases: u


qvm-device DEVICE_CLASS info [-h] [–verbose] [–quiet] VMNAME BACKEND_DOMAIN:DEVICE_ID

Show info about the device with DEVICE_ID from BACKEND_DOMAIN attached to the domain VMNAME

aliases: i

Port classes


Block device. Available options:

  • frontend-dev - device node in target domain, by default first available, starting from xvdi

  • read-only - attach device in read-only mode; default depends on device, if possible - attach read-write; if device itself is read-only, only read-only attach is allowed

  • devtype - type of device - either disk or cdrom; default: disk


USB device. This type of device does not support options.


PCI device. Only dom0 expose such devices. One should be very careful when attaching this type of devices, because some of them are strictly required to stay in dom0 (for example host bridge). Available options:

  • no-strict-reset - allow to attach device even if it does not support any reliable reset operation; switching such device to another domain (without full host restart) can be a security risk; default: False, accepted values: True, False (option absent)

  • permissive - allow write access to most of PCI config space, instead of only selected whitelisted rregisters; a workaround for some PCI passthrough problems, potentially unsafe; default: False, accepted values: True, False (option absent)


Microphone, or other audio input. Normally there is only one device of this type - dom0:mic. Use PulseAudio settings in dom0 to select which input source is used. This type of device does not support options.


Joanna Rutkowska <joanna at invisiblethingslab dot com>
Rafal Wojtczuk <rafal at invisiblethingslab dot com>
Marek Marczykowski <marmarek at invisiblethingslab dot com>
Frédéric Pierret <frederic.pierret at qubes dash os dot org>
Piotr Bartman-Szwarc <prbartman at invisiblethingslab dot com>