qrexec.policy.parser – Qubes RPC policy parser

Qrexec policy format is available as separate specification: <no title>.

Representing domain names

The classes should be instantiated using either VMToken or the context that expects the token.

>>> type(VMToken('@adminvm'))
<class 'qrexec.policy.parser.AdminVM'>
>>> type(Target('@adminvm'))
<class 'qrexec.policy.parser.AdminVM'>

The latter has the advantage that tokens inappropriate for the context are rejected:

>>> Redirect('@tag:tag1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
qrexec.exc.PolicySyntaxError: <unknown>:None: invalid redirect token: '@tag:tag1'

The tokens are as follows. EXACT means the token should match exactly. PREFIX means anything goes after the prefix. When two different prefixes match ('@dispvm:'/'@dispvm:@tag:'), the longer one is chosen.

There is a helper metaclass for this, do not use it elsewhere:

Request object

Actions and resolutions

There are two things that represent “what to do” when there is a match in policy: actions and resolutions. Action is part of a Rule, it means what this rule prescripts. In contrast, a resolution is something that happens after a Rule was actually matched to Request.


Miscellaneous and test facilities

Helper functions