qvm-template – Manage template VMs


qvm-template [-h] [–repo-files REPO_FILES] [–keyring KEYRING] [–updatevm UPDATEVM] [–enablerepo REPOID] [–disablerepo REPOID] [–repoid REPOID] [–releasever RELEASEVER] [–refresh] [–cachedir CACHEDIR] [–yes] [–quiet] SUBCOMMAND

See Section Commands for available subcommands.


--help, -h

Show help message and exit.

--repo-files REPO_FILES

Specify files containing DNF repository configuration. Can be used more than once. (default: [‘/etc/qubes/repo-templates/qubes-templates.repo’])

--keyring KEYRING

Specify directory containing RPM public keys. (default: /etc/qubes/repo-templates/keys)

--updatevm UPDATEVM

Specify VM to download updates from. (Set to empty string to specify the current VM.) (default: same as UpdateVM - see qubes-prefs)

--enablerepo REPOID

Enable additional repositories by an id or a glob. Can be used more than once.

--disablerepo REPOID

Disable certain repositories by an id or a glob. Can be used more than once.

--repoid REPOID

Enable just specific repositories by an id or a glob. Can be used more than once.

--releasever RELEASEVER

Override Qubes release version.


Set repository metadata as expired before running the command.

--cachedir CACHEDIR

Specify cache directory. (default: ~/.cache/qvm-template)


Keep downloaded packages in the cache dir (by default are removed after install).


Assume “yes” to questions.

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity.

--quiet, -q

Decrease verbosity.



qvm-template install [-h] [–pool POOL] [–nogpgcheck] [–allow-pv] [–downloaddir DOWNLOADDIR] [–retries RETRIES] [TEMPLATESPEC [TEMPLATESPEC …]]

Install template packages. See Section Template Spec for an explanation of TEMPLATESPEC.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.

--pool POOL

Specify pool to store created VMs in.


Disable signature checks.


Allow templates that set virt_mode to pv.

--downloaddir DOWNLOADDIR

Specify download directory. (default: .)

--retries RETRIES

Specify maximum number of retries for downloads. (default: 5)


qvm-template {reinstall,downgrade,upgrade} [-h] [–nogpgcheck] [–allow-pv] [–downloaddir DOWNLOADDIR] [–retries RETRIES] [TEMPLATESPEC [TEMPLATESPEC …]]

Reinstall/downgrade/upgrade template packages.

See Section Template Spec for an explanation of TEMPLATESPEC.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


Disable signature checks.


Allow templates that set virt_mode to pv.

--downloaddir DOWNLOADDIR

Specify download directory. (default: .)

--retries RETRIES

Specify maximum number of retries for downloads. (default: 5)


qvm-template download [-h] [–downloaddir DOWNLOADDIR] [–retries RETRIES] [TEMPLATESPEC [TEMPLATESPEC …]]

Download template packages.

See Section Template Spec for an explanation of TEMPLATESPEC.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


Disable signature checks.

--downloaddir DOWNLOADDIR

Specify download directory. (default: .)

--retries RETRIES

Specify maximum number of retries for downloads. (default: 5)


qvm-template list [-h] [–all] [–installed] [–available] [–extras] [–upgrades] [–machine-readable | –machine-readable-json] [TEMPLATESPEC [TEMPLATESPEC …]]

List templates.

See Section Template Spec for an explanation of TEMPLATESPEC.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


Show all templates (default).


Show installed templates.


Show available templates.


Show extras (e.g., ones that exist locally but not in repos) templates.


Show available upgrades.


Show all available versions, not only the latest.


Enable machine-readable output.


Each line describes a template in the following format:


Where {status} can be one of installed, available, extra, or upgradable.

The field {evr} contains version information in the form of {epoch}:{version}-{release}.


Enable machine-readable output (JSON).


The resulting JSON document is in the following format:

    STATUS: [
            "name": str,
            "evr": str,
            "reponame": str

Where STATUS can be one of "installed", "available", "extra", or "upgradable".

The fields buildtime and installtime are in %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S format in UTC.

The field {evr} contains version information in the form of {epoch}:{version}-{release}.


qvm-template list [-h] [–all] [–installed] [–available] [–extras] [–upgrades] [–machine-readable | –machine-readable-json] [TEMPLATESPEC [TEMPLATESPEC …]]

Display details about templates.

See Section Template Spec for an explanation of TEMPLATESPEC.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


Show all templates (default).


Show installed templates.


Show available templates.


Show extras (e.g., ones that exist locally but not in repos) templates.


Show available upgrades.


Show all available versions, not only the latest.


Enable machine-readable output.


Each line describes a template in the following format:


Where {status} can be one of installed, available, extra, or upgradable.

The fields buildtime and installtime are in %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S format in UTC.

Newlines in the {description} field are replaced with pipe characters (|) for easier processing.


Enable machine-readable output (JSON).


The resulting JSON document is in the following format:

    STATUS: [
            "name": str,
            "epoch": str,
            "version": str,
            "release": str,
            "reponame": str,
            "size": int,
            "buildtime": str,
            "installtime": str,
            "license": str,
            "url": str,
            "summary": str,
            "description": str

Where STATUS can be one of "installed", "available", "extra", or "upgradable".

The fields buildtime and installtime are in %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S format in UTC.


qvm-template remove [-h] [–disassoc] [TEMPLATE [TEMPLATE …]]

Remove installed templates.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


Also disassociate VMs from the templates to be removed. This creates a dummy template for the VMs to link with.


qvm-template purge [-h] [TEMPLATE [TEMPLATE …]]

Remove installed templates and associated VMs.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


qvm-template clean [-h]

Remove locally cached packages.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


qvm-template repolist [-h] [–all | –enabled | –disabled] [REPOS [REPOS …]]

Show configured repositories.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


Show all repos.


Show only enabled repos (default).


Show only disabled repos.


qvm-template migrate-from-rpmdb [-h]

Migrate templates metadata from R4.0 format. This makes template originally installed via rpm (qubes-dom0-update) available for qvm-template. All templates gets installed_by_rpm property set to false. If the operation fails for any reason, it is safe to retry.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.

Template Spec

Subcommands such as install and download accept one or more TEMPLATESPEC strings. The format is, in essence, almost identical to <package-name-spec> described in the DNF documentation.

In short, the spec is matched against the following list of NEVRA forms, in decreasing orders of priority:

  • name-[epoch:]version-release

  • name

  • name-[epoch:]version

Note that unlike DNF, arch is currently ignored as the template packages should all be of noarch.

One can also use globs in spec strings. See Section Globs for details.

Refer to Section NEVRA Matching in the DNF documentation for details.


Template Spec strings, repo ids, and search patterns support glob pattern matching. In particular, the following special characters can be used:

  • *: Matches any number of characters.

  • ?: Matches exactly one character.

  • []: Matches any enclosed character.

  • [!]: Matches any character except those enclosed.

In particular, note that {}, while supported by DNF, is not supported by qvm-template.
