qubesadmin.tools package


qubesadmin.tools.dochelpers module

Documentation helpers.

This module contains classes and functions which help to maintain documentation, particularly our custom Sphinx extension.

class qubesadmin.tools.dochelpers.CommandCheckVisitor(command, sub_commands, document)[source]

Bases: SparseNodeVisitor

Checks if the visited sub command section nodes and the specified sub command args are in sync.


Call this to check if any undocumented sub_commands are left.

While the documentation talks about a ‘SparseNodeVisitor.depart_document()’ function, this function does not exists. (For details see implementation of NodeVisitor.dispatch_departure()) So we need to manually call this.


If the visited text node starts with ‘alias: ‘, all the provided comma separted alias in this node, are removed from self.sub_commands


Checks if the visited sub-command section nodes exists and it options are in sync.

Uses OptionsCheckVisitor for checking sub-commands options

class qubesadmin.tools.dochelpers.ManpageCheckVisitor(app, command, document)[source]

Bases: SparseNodeVisitor

Checks if the sub-commands and options specified in the ‘COMMAND’ and ‘OPTIONS’ (case insensitve) sections in sync the command parser.


If section title is OPTIONS or COMMANDS dispatch the apropriate NodeVisitor.

class qubesadmin.tools.dochelpers.OptionsCheckVisitor(command, args, document)[source]

Bases: SparseNodeVisitor

Checks if the visited option nodes and the specified args are in sync.


Call this to check if any undocumented arguments are left.

While the documentation talks about a ‘SparseNodeVisitor.depart_document()’ function, this function does not exists. (For details see implementation of NodeVisitor.dispatch_departure()) So we need to manually call this.


Skips all but ‘option’ elements


Checks if the option is defined self.args

qubesadmin.tools.dochelpers.break_to_pdb(app, *_dummy)[source]


qubesadmin.tools.dochelpers.check_man_args(app, doctree, docname)[source]

Checks the manpage for undocumented or obsolete sub-commands and options.

qubesadmin.tools.dochelpers.make_rst_section(heading, char)[source]

Format a section header in rst


Build a man page skeleton


Setup Sphinx extension

qubesadmin.tools.qubes_prefs module

Manipulate global properties.


Prepare argument parser

qubesadmin.tools.qubes_prefs.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_backup module

qvm-backup tool

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_backup.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main function of qvm-backup tool

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_backup.print_progress(expected_profile, _subject, _event, backup_profile, progress)[source]

Event handler for reporting backup progress

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_backup.write_backup_profile(output_stream, args, passphrase=None)[source]

Format backup profile and print it to output_stream (a file or stdout)

  • output_stream – file-like object ro print the profile to

  • args – parsed arguments

  • passphrase – passphrase to use

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_backup_restore module

Console frontend for backup restore code

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_backup_restore.handle_broken(app, args, restore_info)[source]

Display information about problems with VMs selected for resetore

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_backup_restore.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main function of qvm-backup-restore


Print a log on stdout, coloring it red if it’s a terminal

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_check module

Exits sucessfull if the provided domains exists, else returns failure


Get status and check functions

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_check.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main function of qvm-check tool

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_check.print_msg(log, domains, status)[source]

Print message in appropriate form about given domain(s)

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_clone module

Clone a domain

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_clone.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Clones an existing VM by copying all its disk files

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_create module

qvm-create tool

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_create.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main function of qvm-create tool

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_device module

Qubes volume and block device managment

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_device.DeviceAction(help='A backend & device id combination', required=True, allow_unknown=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: QubesAction

Action for argument parser that gets the :py:class:qubesadmin.device.DeviceAssignment from a BACKEND:DEVICE_ID string.

parse_qubes_app(parser, namespace)[source]

This method is called by qubes.tools.QubesArgumentParser after the namespace.app is instantiated. Oerwrite this method when extending qubes.tools.QubesAction to initialized values based on the namespace.app

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_device.Line(device: DeviceInfo, attached_to=None)[source]

Bases: object

Helper class to hold single device info for listing

property assignments

list of frontends the device is assigned to


Called by the parser to execute the qvm-devices attach subcommand.


Called by the parser to execute the qvm-devices detach subcommand.


Create argparse.ArgumentParser suitable for qvm-block.


Configures the parser for the qvm-devices list subcommand


Called by the parser to execute the qubes-devices list subcommand.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_device.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-block.


Converts a list of qubes.devices.DeviceInfo objects to a list of tupples for the qubes.tools.print_table().

If qvm-devices is running in a TTY, it will ommit duplicate data.


dev_list (iterable) – List of qubes.devices.DeviceInfo objects.


list of tupples

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_features module

qvm-features - Manage domain’s features

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_features.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-features.


args (list) – Optional arguments to override those delivered from command line.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_firewall module

qvm-firewall tool

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_firewall.RuleAction(option_strings, dest, nargs=None, const=None, default=None, type=None, choices=None, required=False, help=None, metavar=None)[source]

Bases: Action

Parser action for a single firewall rule. It accept syntax:
  • <action> [<dsthost> [<proto> [<dstports>|<icmptype>]]]

  • action=<action> [specialtarget=dns] [dsthost=<dsthost>] [proto=<proto>] [dstports=<dstports>] [icmptype=<icmptype>]

Or a mix of them.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_firewall.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-firewall.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_firewall.rules_add(vm, args)[source]

Add a rule defined by args.rule

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_firewall.rules_del(vm, args)[source]

Delete a rule according to args.rule/args.rule_no


Print rules in machine-readable form (as specified in Admin API)


vm – VM object




Print rules to stdout in human-readable form (table)


vm – VM object



qubesadmin.tools.qvm_kill module

qvm-kill - forceful shutdown

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_kill.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-kill.


args (list) – Optional arguments to override those delivered from command line.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls module

qvm-ls - List available domains

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.Column(head, attr=None, doc=None)[source]

Bases: object

A column in qvm-ls output characterised by its head and a way to fetch a parameter describing the domain.

  • head (str) – Column head (usually uppercase).

  • attr (str) – Attribute, possibly complex (containing .). This may also be a callable that gets as its only argument the domain.

  • doc (str) – Description of column (will be visible in –help-columns).

cell(vm, insertion=0)[source]

Format one cell.


This is only for technical formatting (filling with space). If you want to subclass the Column class, you should override Column.format() method instead.

  • qubes.vm.qubesvm.QubesVM – Domain to get a value from.

  • insertion (int) – Intending to shift the value to the right.


string to display

Return type:


columns = {'CLASS': Column(head='CLASS'), 'DISK': Column(head='DISK'), 'FLAGS': FlagsColumn(head='FLAGS'), 'GATEWAY': Column(head='GATEWAY'), 'MEMORY': Column(head='MEMORY'), 'PRIV-CURR': Column(head='PRIV-CURR'), 'PRIV-MAX': Column(head='PRIV-MAX'), 'PRIV-USED': Column(head='PRIV-USED'), 'ROOT-CURR': Column(head='ROOT-CURR'), 'ROOT-MAX': Column(head='ROOT-MAX'), 'ROOT-USED': Column(head='ROOT-USED'), 'STATE': Column(head='STATE')}

collection of all columns


Format one cell value.

Return value to put in a table cell.


qubes.vm.qubesvm.QubesVM – Domain to get a value from.


Value to put, or None if no value.

Return type:

str or None

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.FlagsColumn[source]

Bases: Column

Some fancy flags that describe general status of the domain.


If the domain is marked for autostart.


If the domain is being debugged.


Format one cell value.

Return value to put in a table cell.


qubes.vm.qubesvm.QubesVM – Domain to get a value from.


Value to put, or None if no value.

Return type:

str or None

classmethod get_flags()[source]

Get all flags as list.

Holes between flags are filled with _no_flag().

Return type:



If the domain is installed by RPM.


If the domain is internal (not normally shown, no appmenus).


Current power state.

r running t transient p paused s suspended h halting d dying c crashed ? unknown


If the domain provides network.


Type of domain.

0 AdminVM (AKA Dom0) aA AppVM dD DisposableVM sS StandaloneVM tT TemplateVM

When it is HVM (optimised VM), the letter is capital.


If the domain is updateable.

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.PropertyColumn(name)[source]

Bases: Column

Column that displays value from property (property or qubes.property) of domain.


name – Name of VM property.

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.Table(domains, colnames, spinner, raw_data=False, tree_sorted=False)[source]

Bases: object

Table that is displayed to the user.

  • domains – Domains to include in the table.

  • colnames (list) – Names of the columns (need not to be uppercase).


Get table head data (all column heads).

get_row(vm, insertion=0)[source]

Get single table row data (all columns for one domain).


Sort the domains as a network tree. It returns a list of sets. Each tuple stores the insertion of the cell name and the vm object.


domains (list()) – The domains which will be sorted

Return list(tuple()) tree:

returns a list of tuple(insertion, vm)

tree_append_child(parent, level)[source]

Concatenate the network children of the vm to a list.


qubes.vm.qubesvm.QubesVM – Parent vm of the children VMs

write_table(stream=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)[source]

Write whole table to file-like object.


stream (file) – Stream to write the table to.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.calc_size(vm, volume_name)[source]

Calculates the volume size in MB

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.calc_usage(vm, volume_name)[source]

Calculates the volume usage in MB

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.calc_used(vm, volume_name)[source]

Calculates the volume usage in percent


Mark method as flag field.


field (int) – Which field to fill (counted from 1)

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.formats = {'disk': ('name', 'state', 'disk', 'priv-curr', 'priv-max', 'priv-used', 'root-curr', 'root-max', 'root-used'), 'full': ('name', 'state', 'class', 'label', 'qid', 'xid', 'uuid'), 'kernel': ('name', 'state', 'class', 'template', 'kernel', 'kernelopts'), 'network': ('name', 'state', 'netvm', 'ip', 'ipback', 'gateway'), 'simple': ('name', 'state', 'class', 'label', 'template', 'netvm')}

Available formats. Feel free to plug your own one.


Create argparse.ArgumentParser suitable for qvm-ls.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-ls.

  • args (list) – Optional arguments to override those delivered from command line.

  • app – Operate on given app object instead of instantiating new one.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.matches_power_states(domain, **states)[source]

Filter domains by their power state


Process VM object to find all listable properties.


vm (qubesmgmt.vm.QubesVM) – VM object.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_ls.simple_flag(field, letter, attr, doc=None)[source]

Create simple, binary flag.

  • attr (str) – Attribute name to check. If result is true, flag is fired.

  • letter (str) – The letter to show.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_pause module

qvm-pause - Pause a domain

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_pause.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-pause.


args (list) – Optional arguments to override those delivered from command line.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_pool module

Manages Qubes pools and their options


Adds a new pool


Creates argparse.ArgumentParser suitable for qvm-pool.


Prints info about the specified pools


Adds ‘add’ action related options


Adds ‘info’ action related options


Adds ‘list’ action related options


Adds ‘remove’ action related options


Adds ‘set’ action related options


Lists all drivers with their options


Lists all available pools

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_pool.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-pool.


Removes the specified pools


Modifies driver options for a pool

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_pool.uses_legacy_options(args, app)[source]

Checks if legacy options and used, and invokes the legacy tool

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_prefs module

Manipulate VM properties.


Return argument parser for generic property-related tool

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_prefs.main(args=None, app=None)[source]
qubesadmin.tools.qvm_prefs.process_actions(parser, args, target)[source]

Handle actions for generic property-related tool

  • parser – argument parser used to produce args

  • args – arguments to handle

  • target – object on which actions should be performed

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_remove module

Remove domains from the system

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_remove.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_run module

qvm-run tool


Copy stdin to stream

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_run.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main function of qvm-run tool

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_run.print_no_color(msg, file, color)[source]

Print a msg to file without coloring it. Namely reset to base color first, print a message, then restore color.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_run.run_command_single(args, vm)[source]

Handle a single VM to run the command in

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_service module

qvm-service - Manage domain’s services

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_service.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-features.


args (list) – Optional arguments to override those delivered from command line.


Convert string value to bool according to well known representations

It accepts (case-insensitive) '0', 'no' and false as

False and '1', 'yes' and 'true' as True.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_shutdown module

Shutdown a qube


Find the domains that have not successfully been shut down

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_shutdown.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start module

qvm-start - start a domain

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start.DriveAction(option_strings, dest='drive', prefix='cdrom:', metavar='IMAGE', required=False, help='Attach drive')[source]

Bases: Action

Action for argument parser that stores drive image path.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start.get_drive_assignment(app, drive_str)[source]

Prepare qubesadmin.devices.DeviceAssignment object for a given drive.

If running in dom0, it will also take care about creating appropriate loop device (if necessary). Otherwise, only existing block devices are supported.

  • app – Qubes() instance

  • drive_str – drive argument


DeviceAssignment matching drive_str

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-start.


args (list) – Optional arguments to override those delivered from command line.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start_daemon module

GUI/AUDIO daemon launcher tool

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start_daemon.DAEMONLauncher(app: QubesBase, vm_names=None, kde=False)[source]

Bases: object

Launch GUI/AUDIO daemon for VMs


Clean up after qubes-guid. Removes the auto-generated configuration file, if any.


Common qubes-guid arguments for PV(H), HVM and Stubdomain

static guid_config_file(xid)[source]

Helper function to construct a GUI configuration file path

static guid_pidfile(xid)[source]

Helper function to construct a GUI pidfile path


Should we watch this VM for changes

static kde_guid_args(vm)[source]

Return KDE-specific arguments for gui-daemon, if applicable

on_connection_established(_subject, _event, **_kwargs)[source]

Handler of ‘connection-established’ event, used to launch GUI/AUDIO daemon for domains started before this tool.

on_domain_spawn(vm, _event, **kwargs)[source]

Handler of ‘domain-spawn’ event, starts GUI daemon for stubdomain

on_domain_start(vm, _event, **kwargs)[source]

Handler of ‘domain-start’ event, starts GUI/AUDIO daemon for actual VM

on_domain_stopped(vm, _event, **_kwargs)[source]

Handler of ‘domain-stopped’ event, cleans up

static pacat_domid(vm)[source]

Determine target domid for an AUDIO daemon

static pacat_pidfile(xid)[source]

Helper function to construct an AUDIO pidfile path


Register domain startup events in app.events dispatcher

async send_monitor_layout(vm, layout=None, startup=False)[source]

Send monitor layout to a given VM

This function is a coroutine.

  • vm – VM to which send monitor layout

  • layout – monitor layout to send; if None, fetch it from local X server.

  • startup




Send monitor layout to all (running) VMs

async start_audio(vm)[source]

Start AUDIO daemon regardless of start event.

This function is a coroutine.


vm – VM for which AUDIO daemon should be started

async start_audio_for_vm(vm)[source]

Start AUDIO daemon (pacat-simple-vchan) connected directly to a VM

This function is a coroutine.


vm – VM for which start AUDIO daemon

async start_gui(vm, force_stubdom=False, monitor_layout=None)[source]

Start GUI daemon regardless of start event.

This function is a coroutine.

  • vm – VM for which GUI daemon should be started

  • force_stubdom – Force GUI daemon for stubdomain, even if the one for target AppVM is running.

  • monitor_layout – monitor layout configuration

async start_gui_for_stubdomain(vm, force=False)[source]

Start GUI daemon (qubes-guid) connected to a stubdomain

This function is a coroutine.

async start_gui_for_vm(vm, monitor_layout=None)[source]

Start GUI daemon (qubes-guid) connected directly to a VM

This function is a coroutine.

  • vm – VM for which start GUI daemon

  • monitor_layout – monitor layout to send; if None, fetch it from local X server.

static write_guid_config(config_path, config)[source]

Write guid configuration to a file

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start_daemon.KeyboardLayout(binary_string)[source]

Bases: object

Class to store and parse X Keyboard layout data


Return the selected keyboard layout as formatted for keyboard_layout property.

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start_daemon.XWatcher(conn, app)[source]

Bases: object

Watch and react for X events related to the keyboard layout changes.


Poll for X events related to keyboard layout


Check what is current keyboard layout definition


Check which keyboard layout is currently selected


Initialize XKB extension (not supported by xcffib by default


Update current vm’s keyboard_layout property


Convert a string to libconfig format.

Format specification: http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html#String-Values

See dump_string() for python-libconf: https://github.com/Grk0/python-libconf/blob/master/libconf.py


Get list of monitors and their size/position


Main function of qvm-start-daemon tool

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start_daemon.retrieve_gui_daemon_options(vm, guivm)[source]

Construct a list of GUI daemon options based on VM features.

This checks ‘gui-’ features on the VM, and if they’re absent, ‘gui-default-’ features on the GuiVM.


Prepare configuration file content for GUI daemon. Currently uses libconfig format.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_tags module

qvm-tags - Manage domain’s tags


Return qvm-tags tool command line parser

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_tags.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-tags.


args (list) – Optional arguments to override those delivered from command line.


Add tag


Delete tag


Query/list tags

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template module

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template_postprocess module

Tool for importing rpm-installed template

async qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template_postprocess.call_postinstall_service(vm)[source]

Call qubes.PostInstall service

And adjust related settings (netvm, features).


Extract size of root.img to be imported

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template_postprocess.import_appmenus(vm, source_dir, skip_generate=True)[source]

Import appmenus settings into VM object (later: GUI VM)

  • vm – QubesVM object of just imported template

  • source_dir – directory with source files

  • skip_generate – do not generate actual menu entries, only set item lists

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template_postprocess.import_root_img(vm, source_dir)[source]

Import root.img into VM object

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template_postprocess.import_template_config(args, conf_path, vm)[source]

Parse template.conf and apply its content to the just installed TemplateVM

  • args – arguments for qvm-template-postprocess (used for –allow-pv option and possibly some other in the future)

  • conf_path – path to the template.conf

  • vm – Template to operate on



Detect if running inside chroot

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template_postprocess.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main function of qvm-template-postprocess


Parse template.conf from template package. (KEY=VALUE format)

async qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template_postprocess.post_install(args)[source]

Handle post-installation tasks


Handle pre-removal tasks


Clear private volume


Check if given string has a valid IP address syntax

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_unpause module

qvm-unpause - Unpause a domain

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_unpause.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-unpause.


args (list) – Optional arguments to override those delivered from command line.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_volume module

Qubes volume management

class qubesadmin.tools.qvm_volume.VolumeData(volume)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper object around qubes.storage.Volume, mainly to track the domains a volume is attached to.


Change property of selected volume


Called by the parser to execute the qvm-volume extend subcommand


Create argparse.ArgumentParser suitable for qvm-volume.


Import a file into volume


Show info about selected volume


Add ‘info’ action related options


Add ‘extend’ action related options


Add ‘import’ action related options


Add ‘info’ action related options


Configures the parser for the qvm-volume list subcommand


Add ‘revert’ action related options


Called by the parser to execute the qvm-volume list subcommand.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_volume.main(args=None, app=None)[source]

Main routine of qvm-volume.

qubesadmin.tools.qvm_volume.prepare_table(vd_list, full=False)[source]

Converts a list of VolumeData objects to a list of tupples for the qubes.tools.print_table().

If qvm-volume is running in a TTY, it will ommit duplicate data.

  • vd_list (list) – List of VolumeData objects.

  • full (bool) – If set to true duplicate data is printed even when running from TTY.


list of tupples


Revert volume to previous state

Module contents

Qubes’ command line tools

class qubesadmin.tools.AliasedSubParsersAction(option_strings, prog, parser_class, dest='==SUPPRESS==', required=False, help=None, metavar=None)[source]

Bases: _SubParsersAction

SubParser with support for action aliases

add_parser(name, **kwargs)[source]
class qubesadmin.tools.PoolsAction(option_strings, dest, nargs=None, const=None, default=None, type=None, choices=None, required=False, help=None, metavar=None)[source]

Bases: QubesAction

Action for argument parser to gather multiple pools

parse_qubes_app(parser, namespace)[source]

This method is called by qubes.tools.QubesArgumentParser after the namespace.app is instantiated. Oerwrite this method when extending qubes.tools.QubesAction to initialized values based on the namespace.app

class qubesadmin.tools.PropertyAction(option_strings, dest, metavar='NAME=VALUE', required=False, help='set property to a value')[source]

Bases: Action

Action for argument parser that stores a property.

class qubesadmin.tools.QubesAction(option_strings, dest, nargs=None, const=None, default=None, type=None, choices=None, required=False, help=None, metavar=None)[source]

Bases: Action

Interface providing a convinience method to be called, after namespace.app is instantiated.

parse_qubes_app(parser, namespace)[source]

This method is called by qubes.tools.QubesArgumentParser after the namespace.app is instantiated. Oerwrite this method when extending qubes.tools.QubesAction to initialized values based on the namespace.app

class qubesadmin.tools.QubesArgumentParser(vmname_nargs=None, show_forceroot=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ArgumentParser

Parser preconfigured for use in most of the Qubes command-line tools.

  • vmname_nargs (mixed) – The number of VMNAME arguments that should be consumed. Values include: * N (an integer) consumes N arguments (and produces a list) * ‘?’ consumes zero or one arguments * ‘*’ consumes zero or more arguments (and produces a list) * ‘+’ consumes one or more arguments (and produces a list)

  • show_forceroot – don’t hide –force-root parameter, prevent running as root unless it is given

kwargs are passed to argparser.ArgumentParser.

Currenty supported options:

--force-root (optional, ignored, help is suppressed) --offline-mode do not talk to hypervisor (help is suppressed) --verbose and --quiet

error_runtime(message, exit_code=1)[source]

Runtime error, without showing usage.


message (str) – message to show

static get_loglevel_from_verbosity(namespace)[source]

Return loglevel calculated from quiet and verbose arguments

parse_args(*args, **kwargs)[source]
print_error(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Print to sys.stderr

static set_qubes_verbosity(namespace)[source]

Apply a verbosity setting.

This is done by configuring global logging. :param argparse.Namespace args: args as parsed by parser

class qubesadmin.tools.RunningVmNameAction(option_strings, nargs=1, dest='vmnames', help=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: VmNameAction

Action for argument parser that gets a running domain from VMNAME

parse_qubes_app(parser, namespace)[source]

This method is called by qubes.tools.QubesArgumentParser after the namespace.app is instantiated. Oerwrite this method when extending qubes.tools.QubesAction to initialized values based on the namespace.app

class qubesadmin.tools.SinglePropertyAction(option_strings, dest, metavar='VALUE', const=None, nargs=None, required=False, help=None)[source]

Bases: Action

Action for argument parser that stores a property.

class qubesadmin.tools.SubParsersHelpAction(option_strings, dest='==SUPPRESS==', default='==SUPPRESS==', help=None)[source]

Bases: _HelpAction

Print help for all options and all subparsers

class qubesadmin.tools.VMVolumeAction(help='A pool & volume id combination', required=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: QubesAction

Action for argument parser that gets the :py:class:qubes.storage.Volume from a VM:VOLUME string.

parse_qubes_app(parser, namespace)[source]

Acquire the :py:class:qubes.storage.Volume object from namespace.app.

qubesadmin.tools.VM_ALL = <object object>

constant returned when some action should be performed on all qubes

class qubesadmin.tools.VmNameAction(option_strings, nargs=1, dest='vmnames', help=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: QubesAction

Action for parsing one ore multiple domains from provided VMNAMEs

parse_qubes_app(parser, namespace)[source]

This method is called by qubes.tools.QubesArgumentParser after the namespace.app is instantiated. Oerwrite this method when extending qubes.tools.QubesAction to initialized values based on the namespace.app

class qubesadmin.tools.VmNameGroup(container, required, vm_action=<class 'qubesadmin.tools.VmNameAction'>, help=None)[source]

Bases: _MutuallyExclusiveGroup

Adds an a VMNAME, –all & –exclude parameters to a :py:class:argparse.ArgumentParser`.

class qubesadmin.tools.VolumeAction(help='A pool & volume id combination', required=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: QubesAction

Action for argument parser that gets the :py:class:qubes.storage.Volume from a POOL_NAME:VOLUME_ID string.

parse_qubes_app(parser, namespace)[source]

Acquire the :py:class:qubes.storage.Volume object from namespace.app.


Get parser for given qvm-tool.


command (str) – command name

Return type:


qubesadmin.tools.print_table(table, stream=None)[source]

Uses the unix column command to print pretty table.


text (str) – list of lists/sets